Saturday, August 4, 2012

So I Decided to Start a Blog.

Hey everyone!

I've always thought it fascinating to hear stories about how God grows people. I'd hear stories growing up about peoples' lives being turned around by the power of God, how he'd rescued them from their darkest hour when they no longer thought they could go on, and out of His great love and mercy, He'd deliver them and mold them into the wonderful people that He created them to be. It's no surprise that, after hearing these stories, I would soon want to become that person to aid in their growth. Since the third grade, I have known I wanted to pursue a career in psychology. I wanted to be an inspiration to people. I wanted to help improve their qualities of life- not in the physical sense, but rather in the emotional, mental, and spiritual senses, and I still have this desire today. This is why, despite the competitive degree and the not-so-good job outlook, I have still chosen psychology over everything else. And that is also why I chose to start a blog... 

I recently attended a conference with my church that was really inspiring to me. The theme was "Just Sow It", and after hearing the messages, I felt compelled to share my story more often with friends and family. Maybe in doing so, God would speak through me to touch others' hearts, and my vision of helping others would start to be accomplished. He has placed me in a specific place, at a specific time, surrounded by people who were placed there for a specific, pre-meditated purpose. It is just my job to sow it, and the rest I can leave up to the hands of God. 

So here I am. I hope this blog does not bring with it a lot of judgement. Please know that I am not who I once was. The new has come and the old has passed away. I hope it instead becomes a testament- not to who I used to be before Christ, broken and living for the world- but to who I am now, full and complete and made perfect in God's great love. I hope that everyone who reads this can feel inspired or encouraged in some way. I look forward to what is to come, and hope I can maybe even touch a life (your life?) along the way. 

God Bless. 

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