Thursday, August 16, 2012

True Disciple

What does it mean to be a true disciple? How do we achieve such a name? This past year, I read an excerpt from the book "True Disciple" that really hit me. This is from chapter 13: 

A life that is abandoned to the Lord Jesus has its own deep reward. There is a joy and pleasure in following Christ that is life in its truest sense. 

The Savior repeatedly said, "He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it." In fact, this saying of His is found in the four Gospels more frequently than almost anything else He said. Why is it repeated so often? Is it not because it sets forth one of the most fundamental principles of the Christian life, namely that life hugged for self is life lost, but life poured out for Him is life found, saved, enjoyed, and kept for eternity

To be a half-hearted Christian can only insure a miserable existence. To be out and out for Him is the surest way of enjoying His best. 

To be a true disciple is to be a bondslave of Jesus Christ and to find that His service is perfect freedom. There is liberty in the step of all who can say, "I love my Master... I will not go out free" (Ex. 21:5).  

The disciple is not bogged down by petty affairs or by passing things. He is concerned with eternal matters, and, like Hudson Taylor, enjoys the luxury of having few things to care for. 

He may be unknown, and yet he is well-known. Though constantly dying, yet he persistently lives. He is chastened but not killed. Even in sorrow, he is rejoicing. Although poor himself, he makes many rich. He himself has nothing yet he possesses all things (2 Cor. 6:9-10). 

And if it can be said that the life of true discipleship is the most spiritually satisfying life in this world, it can be said with equal certainty that it will be the most rewarded in the age to come. "For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works" (Mt. 16:27). 

Therefore, the truly blessed man in time and in eternity is the one who can say with Bill Borden of Yale, "Lord Jesus, I take hands off, as far as my life is concerned. I put Thee on the throne in my heart. Change, cleanse, use me as Thou shalt choose." 

Am I finding my life or losing it? I feel as though I am finding myself, discovering my educational path, career goals, etc., but is that my plan or is it God's plan for me? Society so often gets in the way and says we need to go to college to get a good job to succeed and be happy or live a satisfying life. It has turned away from God, taken God out of the plans. When we truly understand what it means to become a disciple and make God the center of our plans, only then will we be satisfied. "Life poured out for Him is life found, saved, enjoyed, and kept for eternity."  

Is what you do 24/7 giving God the glory? If not, then it is giving yourself the glory, so stop doing it; it is a waste of time. Remember, "To be a half-hearted Christian can only insure a miserable existence." No meaning. If there's no meaning, then what's the point? It's kind of like lukewarm water. It really doesn't serve too much of a purpose. Ice cold water is used for drinking, and hot water is used for cleaning, doing dishes, bathing, and cooking. Lukewarm water isn't good for any of those things. Don't become lukewarm or half-hearted. Don't become something that doesn't serve a purpose. Instead, live your life as a disciple, serving the Purpose. 

"Lord Jesus, I take hands off, as far as my life is concerned. I put Thee on the throne in my heart. Change, cleanse, use me as Thou shalt choose." 

We are so blessed to be used by God. 


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